A downloadable outdoor ttrpg

Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

What is this?

Cryptid (Mis)Communication is a silly game where you and a friend who haven't seen each other in a while pretend to be cryptids - creatures that have not been proven to exist. Since you're cryptids, you have to stay far apart from one another, otherwise you won't be very mysterious! The goal of the game is to catch up while keeping your distance.

Making yourself up as a cryptid is half of the fun. The other half is shouting from 200 feet away.

Playing Cryptid (Mis)Communication is a lighthearted, sweet, and silly time to help you connect with a friend who you haven't seen in a while and have a good laugh. And to wear the biggest, brightest, boldest outfits that no one has gotten to see for over a year.

Rated G for GAY general audiences - yes you can play this with your kids! There is no foul language of any kind and is a fun romp for all ages.

This game operates on Machine Age Productions' Olivia Hill rule, which is: NO FASCISTS ALLOWED. If you are a bigot you cannot play this game. It is against the rules. Heal yourself before engaging.

This game knows that Black Lives Matter.

This game fights for Trans Liberation Now.

This game was written on Powhatan land.

Special thanks to...

Every single one of my Kickstarter backers!!!, Speak the Sky's Publisher fund, trouser_mouse, venus, photos-public-domain.com for the paper texture, Alanis for the constant support, and my brother for being a pedant who is right sometimes

Stay safe out there

Funded on Kickstarter on Feb 25, 2021 as a part of Zine Quest 3 - for more details on the campaign, please visit the kickstarter page

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
Tagscryptid, Kickstarter, Local multiplayer, Queer, supernatural, Tabletop role-playing game, zinequest
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsVoice control
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer


Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

In order to download this outdoor ttrpg you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6 USD. You will get access to the following files:

CryptidMisCommunication-pages-bw.pdf 217 kB
CryptidMisCommunication-pages-color.pdf 1.7 MB
CryptidMisCommunication-spread-bw.pdf 218 kB
CryptidMisCommunication-spread-color.pdf 3.7 MB

Exclusive content

Support this outdoor ttrpg at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

Community Copies

These are free copies of the game intended for low income and/or marginalized members of the community. Message me on cohost (@whatnames) if they have run out and you'd like a copy. (Last refilled January of 2024.)
If you want this game, you are more than welcome to it!

Development log


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(1 edit) (+2)

Cryptid (Mis) Communication is a two-player game about dressing up as cryptids and then communicating badly over a distance.

The PDF is 5 pages, with a clean, readable layout and a number of charming, playful illustrations.

To play, you pick a type of cryptid, dress up as them, stand at the opposite ends of a field, and shout a conversation back and forth.

Lots of safety tools are provided, as is advice on how to warm up before doing lots of shouting.

Several default types of cryptids are included in the PDF---less as character classes and more as costuming styles---but you're also encouraged to mix and match traits and make your own type of cryptid up.

Overall, if you're looking for something quirky to play with a friend, I strongly recommend this. The concept is wonderful. The mechanics are simple and fun. If you've got somewhere you can play safely, and if you don't mind getting a bit goofy, this is a game to pick up.


ah! hello kumada - what a lovely surprise! thank you so much for checking this out and the very kind review ^^


Thank you for writing it! It's a really cool game.


Alright, this is just TOO GOOD!


you are just! too! kind!!! <3